Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The reality of being a college grad during a recession

After three and a half years I graduated last Saturday from college. It was a wonderful day filled with hugs, tears and gifts. I finally reached my goal of finishing college. Then that question that we all dread was asked, "what are you going to do now that you've graduated?". I have always imagined myself graduating and starting a full time dream job shortly after. However with the current state of the economy, it is hard to find any job. Never in a million years did I think that I would be an unemployed college graduate. It as though college has been a shield from the real world and the harsh reality of the state of the country. I however am not alone in this feeling, after talking to about twenty college grads, all with different majors, only three actually have found a full time job.

Each morning I search job postings and spend hours submitting applications and on the business networking site Linkedin but I have found that very few companies reply. I see postings for all these jobs, and I apply because I meet qualifications, but I have yet to hear anything back from most. If I do hear back its an automated reply saying they will keep my resume on file, (which I personally believe is a lie). I have yet to give up because well, I have only been out of school for three days and it is almost the holidays. I guess the one thing that we didn't learn in college is that we are not immune from the real world. I have found myself working on various arts and crafts projects to keep me occupied, and it actually is fun.

Have a safe and happy holidays! If any of loyal followers know of any merchandising employment opportunities please let me know by commenting.

P.S.- I have opened the comments so that non-followers may now comment. Please comment!

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