After three and a half years I graduated last Saturday from college. It was a wonderful day filled with hugs, tears and gifts. I finally reached my goal of finishing college. Then that question that we all dread was asked, "what are you going to do now that you've graduated?". I have always imagined myself graduating and starting a full time dream job shortly after. However with the current state of the economy, it is hard to find any job. Never in a million years did I think that I would be an unemployed college graduate. It as though college has been a shield from the real world and the harsh reality of the state of the country. I however am not alone in this feeling, after talking to about twenty college grads, all with different majors, only three actually have found a full time job.
Each morning I search job postings and spend hours submitting applications and on the business networking site Linkedin but I have found that very few companies reply. I see postings for all these jobs, and I apply because I meet qualifications, but I have yet to hear anything back from most. If I do hear back its an automated reply saying they will keep my resume on file, (which I personally believe is a lie). I have yet to give up because well, I have only been out of school for three days and it is almost the holidays. I guess the one thing that we didn't learn in college is that we are not immune from the real world. I have found myself working on various arts and crafts projects to keep me occupied, and it actually is fun.
Have a safe and happy holidays! If any of loyal followers know of any merchandising employment opportunities please let me know by commenting.
P.S.- I have opened the comments so that non-followers may now comment. Please comment!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Final Stretch
With the semester approaching the end, I am preparing for my last finals of my undergraduate career. While I am very excited about graduating in just six days, I have had little time to think about it. I have four finals of which two are comprehensive. I cannot believe that this moment is finally here, I feel that college went by so fast. Sometimes I feel like I am still that 18 year old that entered college just three years and half years ago.
I have also been doing final interviews and waiting to hear back from companies. I am no longer just interviewing for a job, but a career and place to grow. It did not dawn on me until I was in one of my classes and my professor said, "Choose your first job and company wisely, this will set the foundation for the rest of your career". I have lived by this quote when applying for jobs and going on interviews. I am no longer applying for anything that has merchandising in it title, but positions that I feel truly suit my skills and companies that offer opportunities for training and advancement. I hope to hear back and make final decisions soon but I have also realized that just because you are graduating, you are not automatically entitled to a job. it is a tough but harsh reality that sometimes gets me down. I know that there are tons of opportunities out there and with all of my experience I am confident that i will find one that is perfect for me.
Good luck on finals and Happy Holidays!
P.S.- If you know of any opportunities please don't hesitate to contact me.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
School, Work and Betsey Johnson
Sorry that it’s been so long since I've updated. This semester has been very hectic! Not only am I graduating in just two months but I am also trying to prepare myself for my future. I can't believe that I am actually at the point in my life that I need to be a grown up. I never really understood why adults always said to enjoy your childhood but now I do. Though its scary at times, I am excited to see what the future holds for me. I have taken out time to really reflect on the things that I want to accomplish in the next five years, and can't wait for the journey. All in all I can't believe that this is it. I am in my last two months of my undergrad education, and soon I will be starting my career. It seems like I just graduated high school yesterday, I am actually all grown up!
Now that I been profound lets catch up on my life. I have been very busy working part time at The Hanger Project and UNT, while taking five classes. Also I am preparing to leave for New York in just six days to attend teen Vogue’s Fashion University. Though this is not my first trip to the event, each year has its own excitement and this year its none other than my idol, Betsey Johnson. Since the age of seven I have always credited her with introducing me to the world of fashion. I am not sure what I will say to her but, I think about it every day. Hopefully it will be something memorable that leave a good impression.
As always I have a somewhat cheesy closing. My advice to you is enjoy life it goes by so quickly! Do not have regrets just memories.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Beginning of The End
Well it's finally here and I can't believe it, the summer is over and my final semester of college is about to begin. This summer has been such a learning and growing experience for me. I am so glad that I decided to take the internship at The Hanger Project, because it has developed many skills and increased my knowledge. I feel that interning with this smaller company has given me a more in depth experience than any other larger company could have.
I have been so busy that I haven't updated as much as I'd like but I'll feel you in on a few things:
1.)I finally got another colleague this summer who was a perfect match, the few weeks we worked together were amazing and we are sure to be life long friends.
2.) I was offered a part time position to stay on in the fall, which is great because I really love what I do.
3.) I have a fabulous new apartment
Now that my internship is over I am focusing on finishing this semester with a bang and securing a job. I have looked into a few graduate programs and have learned that I need a little bit more work experience if I want to get into some of the top programs that I am interested in. In addition to that I am enjoying my final months of being a college student. Looking back at the past three and a half years, I have changed and done so much. These years have truly been the best of my life so far and I can't wait to see what's next.
Overall this summer has been filled with both wonderful and less than desirable moments but I have learned more about myself and life. I can honestly say that I wouldn't change a thing, even the moments when I thought life really sucked, I see it all as a growing experience. As always please continue to comment and let me know what you think.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Single Lady
Just yesterday I traveled to Dallas Market Center and met with showroom representatives to pick out new products, basically I saw what it would be like to be a buyer. I even had to use things I learned in school such as retail math and my textiles training. This was my first chance to really see how all the time I spent studying for these classes paid off in the real world. I actually impressed my boss with the knowledge I had. As I near graduation I can't help wonder what other things that I have learned but pushed into the back of my mind these past three years, that can make me stand out.
In addition to being busy with my internship and summer school, I am constantly being bombarded with questions about what I will do after graduation. Of course I give the politically correct answer, but I often want to tell people to just let me enjoy my last few moments of college. Don't get me wrong I do have a list of companies that I am interested in working for but I think its too soon for me to worry about that. I need to focus on finishing my final semester with a bang!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Intern Update!
I apologize for the delay in my post but June has been a very busy month. I am interning, taking two classes and helping plan a wedding! I haven't had free time in a while, but here's an update to what is going on.
I am so in love with my internship. I have learned so much over the past month and can't wait to graduate so that I can use all that I've learned. I initially was brought on a Public Relations intern, now I am not only doing Public Relations but I am also help run the company. My boss has been on a business trip for two weeks and has left me in charge of running things. It was challenging at first but I have finally gotten the swing of things, now know how to deal with things immediately without waiting from an email from my boss. Overall I am so glad that I chose this company, it has really prepared me for the corporate world. I know that any company I work for will most likely have more than two employees but I think that it has given me a good foundation.
I am so in love with my internship. I have learned so much over the past month and can't wait to graduate so that I can use all that I've learned. I initially was brought on a Public Relations intern, now I am not only doing Public Relations but I am also help run the company. My boss has been on a business trip for two weeks and has left me in charge of running things. It was challenging at first but I have finally gotten the swing of things, now know how to deal with things immediately without waiting from an email from my boss. Overall I am so glad that I chose this company, it has really prepared me for the corporate world. I know that any company I work for will most likely have more than two employees but I think that it has given me a good foundation.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Super Intern
Last week was a very fast paced week, I learned so much in the first five days.I had no idea what to expect, all my other internships have been either in a retail setting or for one specific project. My mind was racing through all of the possible duties that I may be handed. I never thought in a million years that I would actually be helping run the company. I have done everything from my very first photo shoot to setting up meetings. I feel that my boss gives me the freedom that I need to learn but enough structure so that I won't be completely lost.And whats more is that he treats me like an equal, I have not once been asked to run a personal errand for him. I have heard all the stories about how interns are usually nothing more that just errand runners, who typically don't learn anything. This isn't the case with this job, I am learning more and more each day, and am often questioned if there is anything else that I want or need to learn. Overall these first two weeks have been great. I am so glad that I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and chose a company completely different from what I have been used to. This opportunity has been so much more than just a resume booster. As always i will continue to update you and want to hear how you summer internships are going.
Monday, May 23, 2011
First Day as an Intern
Today was a very special day, it was my very first day at Kirby Allison's Hanger Project! Even though it was my first day there was much preparation to get prepared for this week's events! I loved seeing our office space, it has lots of potential; tomorrow we begin to set up and I filled with so many ideas. We share an office with a chic handbag designer, who also has an intern that seems very friendly. I was not sure what to expect from interning with a smaller company, but I think that it will offer me a chance to learn new things and explore the world of business much more than I thought. Since it is my first day I won't go too in depth, but as time goes on I will post more. As always continue to comment and share with me your internship experience.
Monday, May 16, 2011
It's Summer Time!
Congratulations to all the graduates! This semester has been very eventful but has ended very well, I ended up making a 3.6 this semester, its funny how studying pays off. I officially have one more semester left before I graduate and exactly one week until I start my internship. I am very excited about the possibilities that this summer will bring me. Now that the semester is over I can truly reflect on all my experiences, it has been a very challenging semester but one thing that I did learn was to reflect on the good and not the bad. A good friend told me life is what you make it, if you continue to dwell on the bad how will you ever appreciate the good. Now I am focusing on preparing to take my GMAT, to apply to some grads schools in the one and only NYC! I will of course keep you updated this summer and as always please continue to comment!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Brand You
Hello All!! Sorry for the delay, it is the last few weeks of school and I am focusing on preparing for finals.
Life has been so busy but great these past few weeks. In addition to preparing for finals I have been to a few workshops about networking and thought that I would share something’s that I found very vital. The most important thing I learned was how to brand yourself. We all have sat motionlessly in a class room, listening to someone tell us how to properly interview, but do you honestly think that doing the same thing as everyone else gives you an edge? I for one haven't thought about it too much until now. I have been on so many interviews over the past few months, and I have noticed that my usual interview routine does not spark the interest of interviewers anymore.
About a month ago, I attended a workshop by The Fashionistas , a wonderful organization here in Dallas. The workshop was about how to properly network. I'll admit when I signed up, I didn't think that I would learn much but I was completely wrong. Here are the three key points that stood out to me.
1.) Follow up after an interview or meeting someone, you are selling yourself. These days we are all so busy that it is hard to remember all the people we meet in a day. If you follow up with someone within two days, it will show initiative and once a dialogue is created, it is hard to forget that person.
2.) Relax, and be yourself. I know that we have always been taught not to be casual with potential employers, but they are people just like us! They love when you are ask questions and are truly interested in what they are doing. Though you should use proper etiquette, don't make every word seem like you memorized it from a textbook.
3.) Try everything! You will regret things that you didn't do, not the things you that you tried and failed at. All of the experiences whether they seem to make sense or not make you more unique than the next person.
P.S.- Today was the Royal Wedding, I loved the whole thing!
Life has been so busy but great these past few weeks. In addition to preparing for finals I have been to a few workshops about networking and thought that I would share something’s that I found very vital. The most important thing I learned was how to brand yourself. We all have sat motionlessly in a class room, listening to someone tell us how to properly interview, but do you honestly think that doing the same thing as everyone else gives you an edge? I for one haven't thought about it too much until now. I have been on so many interviews over the past few months, and I have noticed that my usual interview routine does not spark the interest of interviewers anymore.
About a month ago, I attended a workshop by The Fashionistas , a wonderful organization here in Dallas. The workshop was about how to properly network. I'll admit when I signed up, I didn't think that I would learn much but I was completely wrong. Here are the three key points that stood out to me.
1.) Follow up after an interview or meeting someone, you are selling yourself. These days we are all so busy that it is hard to remember all the people we meet in a day. If you follow up with someone within two days, it will show initiative and once a dialogue is created, it is hard to forget that person.
2.) Relax, and be yourself. I know that we have always been taught not to be casual with potential employers, but they are people just like us! They love when you are ask questions and are truly interested in what they are doing. Though you should use proper etiquette, don't make every word seem like you memorized it from a textbook.
3.) Try everything! You will regret things that you didn't do, not the things you that you tried and failed at. All of the experiences whether they seem to make sense or not make you more unique than the next person.
P.S.- Today was the Royal Wedding, I loved the whole thing!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Back In Action
Welcome to the New and Improved Road to New York. I hope that you like the new layout and
would love to hear comments on how I can make it even better!
would love to hear comments on how I can make it even better!
As I predicted April has been a much better month than March. I have been so busy that I haven’t had time to catch my breath. As you know I have been on a frantic search for a summer internship, it became so stressful that I have interviewed with companies that I had no interest in. Finally after hearing so many No’s, I finally got a yes. The company is named Kirby Allison’s Hanger Project; I am overjoyed because this company is offering me an experience that is priceless. Over the next few weeks I will be working out the details and look forward to sharing my journey this summer with you all. As always I have an inspirational closing; “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts”-Unknown.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Da'Shira Issue
Life sometimes has the funniest ways of getting through to you. As you know I am searching for a summer internship and currently I am 0- 3. Though I have had many pep talks, I still feel personally rejected each time I receive a no. Tonight I had a movie night with some people from school and we watched, The September Issue, though I have seen the movie dozens of times each time I get the same rush. I am always intrigued to see all the various people it takes to put together the biggest magazine issue in fashion, and long to be apart of something so epic. After watching the movie it was like a fire was lit
inside of me, one which has been dimming for the past few months. I came home and thought about all the emails, interviews and applications that I have sent out without getting the results that I wanted, and realized that this isn't the end of my world. If life were perfect then everything would just fall into place;I'd never learn any type of lesson, or try to reach beyond what I thought was possible. Basically what I got from tonight was to dream big. I already have done so much in my life, that I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be able to do. As I near graduation, it is time for me to start a new chapter in my life and do even more than I've done in the past. As always I have a cliche closing that is very true, it is time for me to prepare for the biggest part of my life which I will affectionately call the Da'Shira issue. I have no idea what the pages will be filled with but I know that it will be the greatest time of my life.
inside of me, one which has been dimming for the past few months. I came home and thought about all the emails, interviews and applications that I have sent out without getting the results that I wanted, and realized that this isn't the end of my world. If life were perfect then everything would just fall into place;I'd never learn any type of lesson, or try to reach beyond what I thought was possible. Basically what I got from tonight was to dream big. I already have done so much in my life, that I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be able to do. As I near graduation, it is time for me to start a new chapter in my life and do even more than I've done in the past. As always I have a cliche closing that is very true, it is time for me to prepare for the biggest part of my life which I will affectionately call the Da'Shira issue. I have no idea what the pages will be filled with but I know that it will be the greatest time of my life.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Perfect Fit
Upon finishing an interview there is a sense of confidence and hope that is until you receive a call or email that begins with "Unfortunately". Once that word comes up, it’s like all sense of hope is gone, and you wonder what exactly it was that made them not like you. I have felt like this for the past few weeks, I have had three interviews and so far I have heard two No's, each one left me more discouraged. On top of that I have sent my resume and applied to numerous companies, yet I have heard nothing back. Searching for a summer internship has by far been the most difficult job search that I have ever been through. But just when I was about to have a break down, I talked to someone that gave me some very encouraging advice. It was to not take it personal and contemplate if you would actually be happy working for the companies. I thought about it long and hard, though I would have loved any of these positions, I am not sure if any would make me happy.
Until recently I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do, all I was sure of was I wanted to be in the fashion industry. Last weekend I volunteered with a local PR company at a fashion show, though it was only a few hours, I loved every second of it. From stuffing swag bags to figuring out seating arrangements, it gave me a sense of fulfillment. I think that I have truly found something that I enjoy and would love to pursue a career in. Though it may sound cliché, I have found my perfect fit and will now focus on trying to obtain a public relations internship for this summer. I still have high hopes of landing an internship in New York but no matter where I land, it will get me closer to New York!
Until recently I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do, all I was sure of was I wanted to be in the fashion industry. Last weekend I volunteered with a local PR company at a fashion show, though it was only a few hours, I loved every second of it. From stuffing swag bags to figuring out seating arrangements, it gave me a sense of fulfillment. I think that I have truly found something that I enjoy and would love to pursue a career in. Though it may sound cliché, I have found my perfect fit and will now focus on trying to obtain a public relations internship for this summer. I still have high hopes of landing an internship in New York but no matter where I land, it will get me closer to New York!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Spring Break
The past two weeks have been the longest that I have had in a very long time. There have been many up and downs but instead of focusing on the negative, I will focus on the positive. Academically this semester has gone pretty well, I feel like I may make the dean’s list. But most importantly, things have finally started looking up in my search for a summer internship. I have two interviews lined one with Buckle and the other with Michael's. I am very excited to be considered for both of the opportunities and will keep an open mind. In addition I have been applying to more internships in New York, no matter which internship I get, I am excited to gain some real world experience. Now as you all know it is spring break!!! I am very excited to have a break after such a hard month; I hope that you all have a happy, fun and safe spring break!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Balancing Act
Last week was such a crazy week, it started off amazing, I made a B on my accounting exam, and managed to speak directly with someone at TOMS about various things among them an internship opportunity. I also have a phone interview this Friday with one of my favorite designers. Who you ask? I won't say just yet but I will tell you she is located in New York. I hope that things continue to go the way they are. I feel so blessed and can't believe this is my life. Though it seems that my professional life is going great, I'm trying to grasp how to deal with things in my personal life. Life is funny like that at times it seems that when one part of your life is going good, it seems like hell breaks loose in another. So I guess the question is how do I balance my life? Is there such a thing? Can I have it all? As always, please continue to comment and follow.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Week End
Hey! Sorry about the lack of post, Last week was such a busy week I had an interview, two tests and a very interesting club meeting. I promise this week I will keep you guys up to date. On Wednesday I had an interview with an event planning company here in Dallas, about a summer internship, and overall I think that it went well. I am just so happy to have a weight off my shoulders. I was so worried about not hearing any reply from the numerous applications, I think now it’s a little less nerve racking. In addition I have also got a response from one of my favorite designers about a summer internship, I’ve emailed back my resume and cover letter and hope to hear back from her soon. And lastly I had an eye opening visit in my Dallas study tour class. We went to the headquarters of Fossil Inc; the visit helped me learn more about the company and sparked my interest. I had no idea that there was so much to the company! This month I have learned that maybe I should research companies before completely ruling them out. I will update you more about my progress in the mean time, update me about you intern search.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sorry that I have posted in a while last week I had so many things to do for school and work due to our mini winter vacation. I hope that you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! This weekend was the best one I’ve had in along time; I woke up on Saturday to an email for an interview for a summer internship! On top of that I also received a reply from one of my favorite designers about more details on the company’s summer internship. Since I had such an amazing week I was up for hours last night applying to every company I could think of that had an internship, now that I have a maybe I feel dare I say it, courageous. I’m no longer stressing about the No’s or emails that go unanswered, I am now focusing on just the positive. I’ll update you tomorrow about how my interview went. Until then share with me some of your stories.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Second Wind
Yesterday we had a career expo at school and it was a very eye opening experience. We had five, twenty minute session with our choice of eleven employers. I met with Dillard’s, Kohl’s, Michaels, and Neiman Marcus and learned about our school’s graduate program. In addition, I also had an opportunity to eat lunch with the employers and network. I loved that we were able to get up close and personal with the employers and learn more about their company’s opportunities in an intimate setting. I have decided that I should give some companies a second look and, the a few that I considered as my dream company may not exactly a perfect fit for me. Overall each of the employers gave me something to think about over the next nine months. Following the expo we were able to have ten minute interviews with three employers and I interviewed with Dillard’s, Sally beauty and Target. I felt that all the interviews went really well and gave me a boost of confidence after such a long grueling week. Though I am not sure if I will receive any jobs offers, I am confident that I did well and am ready to get back on the saddle and start sending out more applications and not take no for an answer. I hope that in the next few days I will have some good news to report.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Growing Pains
P.S.- Please comment on the blog! I see that you guys are reading, I would like some feedback.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Unexpected Road Blocks
In a perfect world getting to New York would be as easy as closing my eyes and wishing myself there, but this is reality and as we all know things hardly go as planned. While I thought this week was hard enough with the harsh snow storm forcing me to stay inside for four days, reality hit me with another, my precious car suddenly got sick and left me stranded in another city. ROADBLOCK! How do I fix my car? What if the problem is worse than I thought? Well at first I thought that all hope was lost and accepted defeat. I moped around as a victim of reality, and stop caring about everything. After some wise advice I started to do some research and found a practical solution to my car problem. That solution led me to my favorites toolbar where favorite internship website was, and for once I started explore interning options other than the similar ones that I had been applying to. Yes, I know that this is very cheesy but in essence it’s what happened. I think that sometimes the realities of life can help you push yourself further than you ever thought you could go. This experience in particular has taught me a valuable lesson, and that is to not stress about things that I can’t control. Life is hard and hardly goes as planned, but you have to make the best out of those moments for both you sanity and future. Yes, I still want to be in New York by next year but I think that some of the alternative options I’ve chosen to look at will make it that much easier for me to reach my goal. In addition, I think that it’s time for me to get out of my comfort zone and not be so emotional. As usually I will keep you updated on this week’s bizarre events!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Finding the Perfect Internship
Thursday, February 3, 2011
How to get to New York: The Simple Process?
The Questions
How do I make it in this industry? Is there actually a process? Can I do it?
I don't know is a response to questions that we ask ourselves all the time, questions that we are often afraid to answer. I could lie to you and say that I have all the answers, that no doubts ever cross my mind, and its going to be easy, but my answers remains the same, I don't know the answers to any of these questions but through my journey I intend to find out.
New York is known as the fashion capital, but to me it’s so much more. I have visited the city several times over the years and each time I feel like I belong and dread the return home. There is something beyond the Cliché Sea of yellow cabs, and bright lights of the skyline that intrigues me and has caused this obsession with getting there. I love the liveliness of the city the fact that at three in the morning, there are as many people on the street as there are in the afternoon, I even love the smell, the stale scent mixed with a hit of urine and last nights garbage. On the contrary my favorite part is my connection with the city, though many people may see a filthy, overpopulated city, that forces you to take public transportation, I see my new York, the city that I’ve spent intimate moments with alone, one which I’m brave enough to travel alone and truly experience. Over the next year I want to share with you all my experiences and finally have a real answer to questions, besides I don't know.
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