Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Time to Get Serious
The beginning of August did not start off so well. It seemed that everyday I was being plagued by some mistake that I made. After about three weeks of not being my perfect self, I gave myself a stern talking to and got myself together. Mistakes at any age are not cute, but careless ones are truly unacceptable in your career. For a moment I lost my stride but now I am in the swing of things again. I wake up about two hours before I have to leave each day to eat breakfast and prepare myself for the day so I don't feel so overwhelmed. It has proven to be a success, I find myself drinking less cups of coffee or feeling drained around noon. In addition, I also see myself getting so much more done and receiving more responsibilities. Life lesson don't lose focus on what's imporatnt. Alway stay on your toes and treat everday life its you first, once you get comfortable things tyoically go down hill.
Friday, August 3, 2012
More Money Equals More Bills
College taught me a lot of valuable of lessons but money management was not one of them! Like most college students my favorite time was the beginning of the semester, why you ask, Refunds!!! I remember it like it was yesterday, I would pay my rent for entire semester and blow the rest. The best part of this was I only had to wait a few months for another large check. Now that its been about eight months since graduation realty has really set in. There is no fat check coming just my monthly salary. Don't get me wrong I love everything on my life I have the apartment of my dreams in the neighborhood of my dreams and my car is fully paid for. So whats the problem you ask? I have no self control! I am a sucker for store credit cards or using my credit card for something I could pay cash for or do without. All that done is create unnecessary debt.
Yesterday I wrote down a list of all my bills and the amounts that I paid. I subtracted the total from my monthly pay. I also added together those bills that were outsides against necessity( water, shelter, lights and food). I realized that I am actually waisting more money swiping these cards so casually. So I have come up with a monthly savings plan that will help me pay off those unnecessary credits cards and I can focus on pay the government back for all those generous refund checks I was given.
If I could do anything over again, it would be to save up a nest egg for after college. I remember a year ago I said that I would do this but as the semester went on so did all my after college savings. I now know that I cannot be trusted with my own money and I need help until I have proper self control.
If you are reading this and still are in college, make sure you have something saved up. Yes, you may get your dream job but if you don't at least you will have something to live off of.
If you are a recent grad reading this stay away from credit cards I repeat stay away from credit cards!!!
Yesterday I wrote down a list of all my bills and the amounts that I paid. I subtracted the total from my monthly pay. I also added together those bills that were outsides against necessity( water, shelter, lights and food). I realized that I am actually waisting more money swiping these cards so casually. So I have come up with a monthly savings plan that will help me pay off those unnecessary credits cards and I can focus on pay the government back for all those generous refund checks I was given.
If I could do anything over again, it would be to save up a nest egg for after college. I remember a year ago I said that I would do this but as the semester went on so did all my after college savings. I now know that I cannot be trusted with my own money and I need help until I have proper self control.
If you are reading this and still are in college, make sure you have something saved up. Yes, you may get your dream job but if you don't at least you will have something to live off of.
If you are a recent grad reading this stay away from credit cards I repeat stay away from credit cards!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The lesson I learned: Being a grown up is difficult
Hey Loves!
Sorry its been so long since I have posted. Life has been so crazy after graduation. SO let catch up! The last time I posted I was frantically searching for a job and learning the how the real world worked. Since then I started being a Store Manager at discount retailer whose name I won't mention. I won't mention it simply because I have no hard feelings and treat the time as a valuable learning experience and don't want to sway the opinions of others.
This was the first job that I was offered that seemed to offer somewhat suitable pay and a great title. I was initially hired to go through their "structured training program" and it was great. I spent so much time learning and being developed that I felt truly valued. That was until one Saturday when, the manager at the store I was training at left!! Yes it was a busy Saturday and she stormed out,I called upper level management to inform them and I was quickly told this would be my assigned store. Sounds great right, wrong! I went from only being responsible for open and closing the doors to being held accountable making schedules, hiring/firing, payroll etc ( all which I had no training on) in just a week.
Now I'm not a complainer and I catch on really quickly so, in the beginning it was ok, but once things started happening at the other stores, I was left to fend for myself. It was horrible I worked constantly without a lunch break and barely had one day off. I became so stressed that it started to take a toll on my personal life. While all of this was going I was still hourly and when I asked about the salary that was suppose to be given to me after I was assigned a store, I was told that I was still considered in training. While this is a rational answer, it would only make since if I weren't already doing the work that a store manager did. I was told "with everything going on, we have to push your training back a bit." At that moment I had to look around and see if I could really live my life like this. Sure I was employed so I was grateful but did going to college mean throwing away my integrity?
I began going on job interviews on my days off and finally got offered a new one! I won't go into too much detail about it, but I can say that after only 8 days I feel a since of worth that I didn't feel the entire time I was at the unnamed retailer.
As I look back the time I spent agonizing over I job I realized that while it was a terrible feeling, I wish I would have taken advice from others and not take a job on impulse. Also that I am young and I shouldn't put myself in a situation that I absolutely hate. This is the time in life where I can truly choose a job that makes me happy because besides my personal expense I virtually have not a care in the world.
If you take anything from my experince take this, the real world is nothing like the romantize it in college. Its tough and the plan that you had for life may seem like its not going to happen. In this part of your life, its all about what YOU make it, don't settle for anything less than happiness. As always comment and come back to read more!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The reality of being a college grad during a recession: Compensation
The past few weeks I have continued my job search. I recently had three interviews with different companies. So far I have heard back from two and was offered a position at each. This should be a wonderful event and don't get me wrong I'm so happy to finally have a yes, but the problem seems to be compensation. Both jobs were only offering minimum wage. I don't want to sound ungrateful but did I just spend three and a half years and thousands of dollars to make $7.25 an hour?
I know that economic times are tough but taking a minimum wage job, repaying loans and trying to survive seems quite impossible. I have applied for all these opportunities that want a degree but it seems that just a degree isn't worth much anymore. Employers want you to have experience but it has to be full time experience out of school. How does one obtain that? I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out which avenue to take and how to get myself out of this rut.
Now that the new year has started and companies are out of the end of the year crunch and I have been told that they actually looking for applicants fresh out of college. I am being extremely optimistic because I have a great resume and believe that I would be an asset to any company. At this point its all about the waiting game. Though it is taking longer than I thought , I am sure the right opportunity is out there for me. I still have not heard back from one company and that may be my chance. Whatever the outcome, I am thankful that I graduated, have a place to stay and made it into the new year safely.
I am so overwhelmed and excited about the recent traffic that I have been receiving! I hope that my journey is giving someone else comfort in knowing that they are not alone. I personally felt alone until I talked to classmates that were going through the same thing. This made me feel better and at ease. As always thanks for reading and please comment.
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