Friday, April 29, 2011

Brand You

Hello All!! Sorry for the delay, it is the last few weeks of school and I am focusing on preparing for finals.
Life has been so busy but great these past few weeks. In addition to preparing for finals I have been to a few workshops about networking and thought that I would share something’s that I found very vital. The most important thing I learned was how to brand yourself. We all have sat motionlessly in a class room, listening to someone tell us how to properly interview, but do you honestly think that doing the same thing as everyone else gives you an edge? I for one haven't thought about it too much until now. I have been on so many interviews over the past few months, and I have noticed that my usual interview routine does not spark the interest of interviewers anymore.

About a month ago, I attended a workshop by The Fashionistas , a wonderful organization here in Dallas. The workshop was about how to properly network. I'll admit when I signed up, I didn't think that I would learn much but I was completely wrong. Here are the three key points that stood out to me.

1.) Follow up after an interview or meeting someone, you are selling yourself. These days we are all so busy that it is hard to remember all the people we meet in a day. If you follow up with someone within two days, it will show initiative and once a dialogue is created, it is hard to forget that person.

2.) Relax, and be yourself. I know that we have always been taught not to be casual with potential employers, but they are people just like us! They love when you are ask questions and are truly interested in what they are doing. Though you should use proper etiquette, don't make every word seem like you memorized it from a textbook.

3.) Try everything! You will regret things that you didn't do, not the things you that you tried and failed at. All of the experiences whether they seem to make sense or not make you more unique than the next person.

P.S.- Today was the Royal Wedding, I loved the whole thing!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Back In Action

Welcome to the New and Improved Road to New York. I hope that you like the new layout and
would love to hear comments on how I can make it even better!

As I predicted April has been a much better month than March. I have been so busy that I haven’t had time to catch my breath.  As you know I have been on a frantic search for a summer internship, it became so stressful that I have interviewed with companies that I had no interest in. Finally after hearing so many No’s, I finally got a yes. The company is named Kirby Allison’s Hanger Project; I am overjoyed because this company is offering me an experience that is priceless. Over the next few weeks I will be working out the details and look forward to sharing my journey this summer with you all. As always I have an inspirational closing; “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts”-Unknown.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I am currently redesigning the layout. You may see a new design each day, comment and let me know which you like the best. I will resume posting next week!